Synopsis and credits
This work is a Mixed Reality Choreographic Archive. The large images you see installed in this space act as triggers to launch video in an App running on mobile devices (phones, iPads etc.) The visual and sonic material is created to archive and share the somatic practices and states created within the studio processes of choreographer Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir during the making of her performance Conspiracy Ceremony-HYPERSONIC STATES in 2017. Using artistic strategies with digital materials the affective qualities of the work are re-performed and shared. This is an example of research that has philosophical, technological and performative qualities, and an attempt to use digital devices as an active political gesture, to transport something of human value and experience beyond the domain of the commercial world and markets. Conspiracy Archives was a collaboration between Phenomenologist Prof. Susan Kozel, choreographer Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir, screen dance maker Prof. Jeannette Ginslov, computer programmers Keith Lim and Daniel Spikol. An artistic research from the Living Archives Research Project at Malmö University(2012-2018).
Collaborators: Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir (Choreography and Full Drop somatic practice), Susan Kozel (Philosophy & Archival Concept), Jeannette Ginslov (Visuals and Concept), Keith Lim (AR/MR Creation & Media Development). With dancers Johanna Chemnitz, Catherine Jodoin, Laura Siegmund, Marie Topp, & Suet-Wan Tsang. Music by Peter Rehberg. Conspiracy Archives originated with the Living Archives research project and is now part of Data Society research program at Malmö University, Sweden.
Links to find further information, documentation and publications