Step Right To It (2013)

Synopsis & credits
The performance “Step Right To It” is an ode to alienation and its hyper personal physical internalization and external disorientation. Performers at the edge of the “stage” and under the pressure of the audience gaze and the magnifying effect of stage representation; sound, light, staging. They step to “it” within a self-imposed incapacity to do so. In this very space, which represents time more than space, where IT is supposed to “happen” “between” them and those who have paid to watch them What is about to appear is this latent territory, which could only appear in the vacuum of a construct, it is a result of the pressure and power of exposure and from the rejection of it. The exchange between movers and viewers leads to two synchronized journeys.
Concept, direction,choreography: Margrét Sara Guðjónsdóttir/Performers: Marie Ursin, Rodrigo Vilarinho, Louise Dahl and Annie Kay Dahlström/Set and Light design: Jens Sethzman/Sound editing: David Kiers, tracks: Mage by Nic Sarno, Fluro Black by ARP 101 & Elliott Yorke, KTL Tony/Producers: MDT theater Stockholm (SE), DOCH University of dance and circus in Stockholm (SE)/Photo: Jens Sethzman
No flutter of an eyelid is accidental
“Step Right To It”, by the Icelandic choreographer Margrét Sara Gudjónsdóttir. The four person choreography is minimalist and authoritative in front of its dark blue semi circular curtain. Everything is in slow motion. The performers – three women, one man dressed in everyday clothes – crawl on all fours, sometimes with a predatory elegance. They step out of the curtain and sink to the floor again and again, seeming as if they are about to faint or are in pain. They enter from the right, disappearing again to the left taking a very long time. Each tired flutter of the eyelid seems choreographed. Almost nothing happens, there is almost no variation, yet the timing is immaculate. A tense anticipation is built in which you await every change of lighting, music or personnel. Above all however, the 40 minute long “Step Right To It” shows a completely unique, wilful signature – all achieved with the least amount of original movement. There is a very special mixture, there is rigour and there is dramaturgy. That is also something not so easily copied.
Sylvia Staude , Frankfurter Rundschau 10.06.2014